Set up model workflows


February 3, 2025

Workflows can be configured to match your organizational needs for overseeing model development, validation, or implementation activities.

To set up a workflow, you’ll need to complete these two steps in sequence:

  1. Configure the workflow steps
  2. Link the workflow together


Configure workflow steps

To add or edit workflow steps:

  1. In the left sidebar, click Settings.

  2. Under Workplace Settings, select Workflows.

  3. Click on Inventory Model:

    • To add a step, drag and drop a new step onto the canvas.
    • Double-click the new step to open up the configuration modal.
  4. After you’re finished with step configuration, click Update Step to apply your changes before closing the configuration panel with .

    A gif workflow step configuration

    Workflow step configuration
  5. After you’ve configured a step, you can then link your workflow together.

Refer to Available step types for information on available step types and details on how to set up conditional requirements.

Available step types

Status Change

  • Transitions a status.
  • Requires available model lifecycle statuses associated with the workflow.3
Status Change step configuration
Field Description
when these conditions are met (optional) Add conditional requirements to qualify for this step.4
set status to Select the status to transition to.

User Action

  • Creates a button that performs an action on behalf of the user.
  • Requires available model lifecycle statuses associated with the workflow.5
User Action step configuration
Field Description
display action button when (optional) Add conditional requirements for displaying this step.6
action button label Text that displays on your action button.
request fields (optional) Include inventory fields alongside your action if desired. Select the field, then click + Add Field to insert.7
to set status Select the status to transition to.

A screenshot showing a User Action step configuration with a request field of Date On Hold

User Action step configuration with a request field of Date on Hold

A screenshot showing the action transition panel with the Date On Hold inventory field

Action transition panel with the Date on Hold inventory field
A Put On Hold action that requests a value in the Date On Hold field, and transitions the model lifecycle status to
On Hold.
All model inventory field types can be included as request fields on a User Action step.

A screenshot showing a User Action step configuration with a request field of Workflow Attachment

User Action step configuration with a request field of Workflow Attachment

A screenshot showing the files uploaded under the Workflow Attachment inventory field

Files uploaded under the Workflow Attachment inventory field
An In Initial Validation action that requests an upload in the workflow attachment field, and transitions the model lifecycle status to In Initial Validation.


  • When your resource reaches the approval step, roles or users in the selected Approval Group will receive your configured message.
  • Requires either a User Role8 or User Type inventory field9 to select from, and must be connected to both an approval and rejection Status Change step.10

Please note that roles or users must be assigned to the Approval Group field before the workflow is transitioned into the Approval step in order for the message to be displayed to those roles or users.

Approval Group step configuration
Field Description
approval group Select the User Role or User Type inventory field that indicates roles or users responsible for approval.
threshold Percentage of approvers required for the resource to be approved.11
approval message When your resource reaches this approval step, the users in the selected group will recieve the following message.

A screenshot showing an APPROVAL GROUP step configuration with a User Roles selection of Validator

APPROVAL GROUP step configuration with a User Roles selection of Validator

A screenshot showing the setup for the Approval Message shown to the APPROVAL GROUP of User Roles — Validator

Setup for the Approval Message shown to the APPROVAL GROUP of User Roles — Validator
A message shown to the User Roles — Validator requesting review of a model for compliance.

Condition Branch

  • Allows diverging paths based on conditional requirements.
  • A default branch will be automatically included as a catch-all else path to ensure that your conditional logic is complete.

Workflows cannot be saved until condition branches are connected to other steps.

To configure a condition branch:

  1. On the Configure Condition Branch modal, click + Add Branch.

  2. Enter in the path name and designate the conditions12 that apply to this path.

  3. Continue with steps 1 and 2 until your conditional branch logic is complete.

    To remove a path, click and select Remove Path.

  4. When you are finished setting up all your branch paths, click Update Step to save your step.

    Proceed with linking the Condition Branch with your subsequent steps.13

For example, if you wanted your models where the field GenAI Model is set to true to undergo a special legal approval process:

  • First, you’d set up a Condition Branch path to look for instances where GenAI Model is set to true.
  • Then, you would add an Approval step14 that requests a review of the model from the User Roles — Legal Team.
  • Finally, configure the default path to bypass this special approval.

14 Approval steps

A screenshot showing a CONDITION BRANCH step configuration with condition of GenAI Model = `true`

CONDITION BRANCH step configuration with condition of GenAI Model = true

Screenshot showing the Legal Team Approval step configuration

Legal Team Approval step configuration

A screenshot showing an example Condition Branch where GenAI models require special approval from the User Roles — Legal Team

Example Condition Branch where GenAI models require special approval from the User Roles — Legal Team


  • Creates a time condition for displaying next available action.
  • Used to enforce a time delay or a calendar date milestone.
Time stamp configuration is in the current user’s timezone.

Other users viewing those fields or the workflow will see the value automatically in their timezone.

To configure a wait step, select when you would like to resume workflow:

Wait step configuration
Option Required field Description
After Time Interval wait duration Wait for a set amount of time in minutes, hours, or days. Applies to all models under the workflow.
At Specified Date wait until Wait until a specific timestamp. Applies to all models under the workflow. If the milestone date inputted is in the past, the next workflow step will display immediately.
At Specified Date on Model Field model field15 Wait until a specific timestamp as defined by a valid Date or Date Time type model inventory field on a per model basis. If the selected field is empty16 or the milestone date inputted is in the past, the next workflow step will display immediately.

16 Make model inventory fields required on registration to ensure necessary fields have valid values.

Add conditional requirements

Conditional requirements can be configured for all four available step types:

Step type conditional options
Step type Conditional options
Status Change Under when these conditions are met, you are able to set both AND and OR conditions.
User Action Under display action button when, you are able to set both AND and OR conditions.
Approval Under threshold, you are able to set the minimum percentage of approvers required for the resource to be approved.
Condition Branch Under each branch’s conditions, you’re able to designate the AND and OR conditions that apply to that path.

For Status Change17, User Action18, and Condition Branch19 conditions, you’re able to add a single independent Rule or a linked condition Group. These rules and groups can be nested if desired:

17 Status Change steps

18 User Action steps

  • Click Rule to add an independent rule.
  • Click Group to add a linked group of rules that all must be true to qualify.

Delete workflow steps

  1. Hover over the step until the menu appears, then click on it.

  2. Select Delete.

    On the confirmation dialogue that appears, select OK to confirm deletion.

  3. When you are finished, click Save Workflow to apply your changes.

What’s next