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Learning objectives

“As an administrator who is new to ValidMind, I want to onboard my organization, manage users and roles, and manage permissions for specific roles.”

In this course

First, let’s make sure you can log in to ValidMind.

Training is interactive — you explore ValidMind live. Try it!

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Can you log in?

To try out this course, you need to have been onboarded onto ValidMind Academy with the Customer Admin role.

Log in to check your access:

Log in to ValidMind

Be sure to return to this page afterwards.

You’re in — let’s show you around.

From Settings in the ValidMind Platform,
you can:

  • Set up your organization
  • Onboard new users
  • Manage roles, groups and
  • Configure the model inventory
  • Manage templates and workflows
  • And much more!

Try it live on the next page.

Explore these pages available from Settings:

  • Your Account
  • User Permissions
  • Workspace Settings

When you are done, click to continue.


Set up your organization

Get your organization ready for your first users by defining business units, risk areas, and use cases.

Try it live on the next page.

A business unit is a distinct segment within your organization that focuses on a specific function, product, or market, operating semi-independently while aligning with the overall organizational goals.

  1. Under Workplace Settings, select Organization.
  1. Type the new business unit name in the dialog box under Business Units.

  2. Click Add to confirm.

    After you confirm, the business unit will be added as a new entry in alphabetical order.

A use case is a specific application of analytics and management techniques within an organization, such as attrition management, call routing, and regulatory compliance processes like BSA/AML, CCAR, and CECL.

  1. Under Workplace Settings, select Organization.
  1. Click Add under Use Cases.

  2. Fill in the use case title and category and click Add Use Case to confirm.

    After you confirm, the use case will be added as a new entry in alphabetical order.

A risk area is a specific domain within an organization that requires monitoring and management to ensure factors like data quality, model performance, and regulatory compliance are addressed effectively.

  1. Under Workplace Settings, select Risk Areas & Validation Guidelines.
  1. Click Add Risk Area.

  2. Provide a name and description for your risk area.

  3. Click Add Risk Area to save your changes.

Once a risk area is added, you can then manage guidelines associated with that risk area and add those guidelines to validation templates: Manage validation guidelines

Add a business unit, a use case, and a risk area. (Choose your own names.)

When you are done, click to continue.

Onboard users

Onboard your initial users by sending them email invitations to join your organization.

  1. Under User Permissions, click Invite New Users.

  2. In Invite by Email:

    • Enter the user’s email address.

    • Assign the user to a group from the group dropdown menu.

    • Click + under role to open the Assign Roles menu for that user:

      1. Click + next to the role for each role to be assigned.
      2. Click Assign Roles to Invitee.
  3. Click Send Invite.

Users will receive an email invitation that they must accept to join your organization.

Monitor the status of invitations in the Pending Invites section.

  • Confirm that the new user is successfully added and that their group and roles are correctly configured to meet your access control requirements.
  • Review the history of previously accepted invitations in the Invite History section.

Try it live on the next page.

Manage roles and permissions

Assign roles to users to define responsibilities based on your organization’s structure, granting them acccess to features within the ValidMind Platform.

(Scroll down for the full instructions.)

Try it live on the next page.

  1. Under User Permissions, select Roles.

  2. Click Add New Role.

  3. Enter the name and description for the role.

  4. Once you click Add Role, you can proceed with managing the permissions and users associated with that role.

Manage role permissions

On the Permissions tab, you can:

  • View the current permissions assigned to that role.
  • Select permissions to be assigned to that role.
  1. Select Edit Permissions to to add or remove permissions to or from that role.

  2. Toggle specific permissions for that role by checking or unchecking the boxes next to the permission.

  3. Click Save Permissions to apply your changes.

Manage role users

On the Users tab, you can:

  • View a list of users assigned to that role.
  • Add a role to users on that list.
Add role to user
  1. Click + to open the Assign Roles menu for that user.

  2. Click + next to the role for each role to be assigned.

  3. Click Assign Roles to User to save changes.

Delete role from user
  1. Click to delete a role from a user.

  2. Once you confirm, that role will be removed from the user.

  1. Under User Permissions, select Permissions.

  2. Add or delete roles from a specific permission:

    • To assign a role to a permission, click +, then select the permission from the drop-down menu.
    • To remove a role from a permission, click next to the specified role.

    For example, to grant the Developer role the permission to update an existing template:

    1. Locate Update Template under Template.
    2. Click + and select Developer from the drop-down menu.

Manage groups

Create groups to organize users based on your departments or project teams.

Add new groups

  1. Under User Permissions in the sidebar, select Groups.

  2. Next to All Groups, click Create New Group to open the Create New Group menu.

  3. Enter a group name and group description for the new group and click Continue.

  4. Select users from the list to add them to the group.

  5. Click Create Group to save.

    Confirm that the new group is created and appears in the list of available groups, ensuring it is correctly configured for its intended use.

Try it live on the next page.

Add a new Senior Validators group and invite the user you created earlier to that group.

When you are done, click to continue.


Customize templates

As part of managing templates, customize how documentation and validation reports are structured.

(Scroll down for the full instructions.)

Try it live on the next page.

Customize templates

  1. In the left sidebar, click Settings.

  2. Under Workplace Settings, select Templates.

  3. Select one of the tabs for the type of template you want to edit:

    • Documentation
    • Validation Report
    • Ongoing Monitoring
  4. Locate the template to edit and on the template details page, click Edit Outline.

  5. In outline editing mode, you can:

    1. Expand sections:
      • Expand the menu for any sections with subsections by clicking .
    2. Add content to sections:
      • For validation report templates, you’re able to add additional content.
      • Click to add content to that section of the template, such as a Summary Block or a Guideline Block.
    3. Rename sections:
      • Hover over a section until the appears, then click on it to change the name.
      • Save by clicking , and discard changes by clicking .
    4. Insert new sections:
      • Click to add a new section or subsection to the template.
      • To add a section above the current section, select Section Before.
      • To add a section below the current section, select Section After.
      • To add a subsection within the current section, select Subsection.
    5. Remove sections:
      • Click to delete a section.
      • After you confirm, that section will be removed.
    6. Reorder sections:
      • Click and hold firmly to drag to reorder sections.
  6. When you’re done, click Create New Version to view a side-by-side comparison of your changes with the previous version:

    • Add a description in version notes to track your changes.
    • Click Save to save the new version or Cancel.

Once saved, your new template version becomes available for use.

Customize the Binary classification template by adding a 1.4 Feature Engineering subsection.

When you are done, click to continue.

Configure workflows

Configure workflows to oversee model development and validation for your organization.

(Scroll down for the full instructions.)

Try it live on the next page.

Workflows can be configured to match your organizational needs for overseeing model development, validation, or implementation activities.

To set up a workflow, you’ll need to complete these two steps in sequence:

To add or edit workflow steps:

  1. In the left sidebar, click Settings.

  2. Under Workplace Settings, select Workflows.

  3. Click on Inventory Model:

    • To add a step, drag and drop a new step onto the canvas.
    • Double-click the new step to open up the configuration modal.
  4. After you’re finished with step configuration, click Update Step to apply your changes before closing the configuration panel with .

  5. After you’ve configured a step, you can then link your workflow together.

To initiate the beginning of your workflow:

  1. Locate the Start of your workflow.

  2. Drag from the period (.) at the bottom of Start to the top on the first step of your workflow.

To link subsequent steps together:

  1. Click above or below the earlier step and drag it to connect to the top on the subsequent step.

    You’re also able to link several different steps together at various points in the workflow, including stages that may circle back to previous steps:

    An animated gif showing an example of multiple steps linked together at various points in the default Inventory Model workflow

    Multiple steps linked together at various points in the default Inventory Model workflow
  2. When you are finished, click Save Workflow to apply your changes.

About administering ValidMind

There is much more that ValidMind can do to support you as an administrator of the platform, from customizing the model inventory, to setting up a private connection between ValidMind and your company network.

Or, find your next learning resource on ValidMind Academy.