November 9, 2023

This release introduces support for several new models, a new user onboarding guide and other ValidMind Platform enhancements, and improved test descriptions in our user-facing documentation.

Release highlights

ValidMind Library (v1.23.0)

Support for regression models

The ValidMind Library has added support for regression models. The updates include:

  • Addition of new tests, Errors and R-squared, to support regression model evaluation
  • Use of existing tabular dataset tests for data validation

Support for clustering models

The ValidMind Library has added support for clustering models. The updates include:

  • Addition of new tests, ClusterPerformanceMetrics, ClusterSizeDistribution, SilhouettePlot, HyperParametersTuning, and KMeansClustersOptimization, to support clustering model evaluation

Support for embeddings models

We added initial support for text embeddings models in the ValidMind Library which enables you to create, use and test a BERT embeddings model utilizing the Hugging Face library. The updates include:

  • A new folder in model_validation tests for embeddings, along with initial versions of tests for text embedding models
  • Support for feature_extraction tasks in the Hugging Face model wrapper of the ValidMind Library

ValidMind Platform (v1.9.0)

New onboarding guide

To help you familiarize yourself with the features available in the ValidMind Platform, a new onboarding guide is now available to all users.

A screenshot showing the new ValidMind Platform onboarding guide

New ValidMind Platform onboarding guide

The onboarding guide tracks six common tasks that can be completed in almost any order:

  • Get your ValidMind account
  • Register your model
  • Start on your model documentation
  • Collaborate on your documentation
  • Submit your model documentation
  • Find guides & resources

You can hover over each task for more details. The guide can be minimized, leaving a trigger in the bottom right corner, or dismissed entirely. To reactivate the guide, go to Settings > Profile.

New model inventory display options

We’ve introduced new display options for the Inventory page.

Table view — Offers a detailed, structured layout that simplifies comparison.

Model inventory table view

Table view

Card view — Provides a visual, summarized presentation.

Model inventory card view

Card view

You can easily switch between views using the Display Table or Display Cards toggle in the top-right hand corner.

Documentation updates

Enhanced test descriptions

  • We have improved the descriptions for tests available in the ValidMind Library, together with a new landing page that allows for easy browsing of all tests.
  • Additionally, our documentation site search now indexes these descriptions to make them easier to find.

A screenshot showing improved test descriptions for the ValidMind Library

Improved test descriptions for the ValidMind Library

How to upgrade

ValidMind Platform

To access the latest version of the ValidMind Platform,1 hard refresh your browser tab:

  • Windows: Ctrl + Shift + R OR Ctrl + F5
  • MacOS: ⌘ Cmd + Shift + R OR hold down ⌘ Cmd and click the Reload button

ValidMind Library

To upgrade the ValidMind Library:2

  1. In your Jupyter Notebook:

    • Using JupyterHub:3 Hard refresh your browser tab.
    • In your own developer environment:4 Restart your notebook.
  2. Then within a code cell or your terminal, run:

    %pip install --upgrade validmind

You may need to restart your kernel after running the upgrade package for changes to be applied.