March 7, 2025

This release focuses on quality of life improvements for our users: ValidMind Academy training journeys, transparent history for breaking changes and deprecations, and additional validation report configuration options in the ValidMind Platform.

Release highlights — 25.02

Our documentation now follows the new unified versioning scheme for our software as of our 25.01 release on January 31, 2025.


A guided ValidMind Academy experience

Wondering you can get started with ValidMind? Check out our free training material, now with an upgraded experience!

  • We’ve added a training overview, learning paths, and a sample training plan to help you navigate your training journey.
  • We’ve also introduced an frequently asked questions section mapping common questions to relevant learning paths.

Breaking changes and deprecation history

We’ve introduced an interactive historical record of breaking changes and deprecations to the ValidMind AI risk platform to better inform users about important updates to our product. You can review this history under our Releases section.

  • In addition to announcement and planned obsolescence dates, this history provides easy access to any relevant messaging associated with the change, such as version release notes and blog posts.
  • These histories grouped by calendar year are searchable and can be filtered by product area (ValidMind Library, ValidMind Platform), associated versioning, and the type of change.


ValidMind Platform (v1.29.20)

Additional validation report export options

We now support additional configuration when exporting validation reports, allowing you to choose what gets included in your generated document.

A screenshot showing the new Export Validation Report options menu

New Export Validation Report options menu

How to upgrade

ValidMind Platform

To access the latest version of the ValidMind Platform,1 hard refresh your browser tab:

  • Windows: Ctrl + Shift + R OR Ctrl + F5
  • MacOS: ⌘ Cmd + Shift + R OR hold down ⌘ Cmd and click the Reload button

ValidMind Library

To upgrade the ValidMind Library:2

  1. In your Jupyter Notebook:

    • Using JupyterHub:3 Hard refresh your browser tab.
    • In your own developer environment:4 Restart your notebook.
  2. Then within a code cell or your terminal, run:

    %pip install --upgrade validmind

You may need to restart your kernel after running the upgrade package for changes to be applied.