
Assesses how effectively relevant context chunks are utilized in generating answers by evaluating their ranking within the provided contexts.


The Context Utilization test evaluates whether all of the answer-relevant items present in the contexts are ranked higher within the provided retrieval results. This metric is essential for assessing the performance of models, especially those involved in tasks such as text QA, text generation, text summarization, and text classification.

Test Mechanism

The test calculates Context Utilization using the formula:

\[ \\text{Context Utilization@K} = \\frac{\\sum_{k=1}^{K} \\left( \\text{Precision@k} \\times v_k \\right)}{\\text{Total number of relevant items in the top } K \\text{ results}} \] \[ \\text{Precision@k} = {\\text{true positives@k} \\over (\\text{true positives@k} + \\text{false positives@k})} \]

Where \(K\) is the total number of chunks in contexts and \(v_k \\in \\{0, 1\\}\) is the relevance indicator at rank \(k\).

This test uses columns for questions, contexts, and answers from the dataset and computes context utilization scores, generating a histogram and box plot for visualization.

Configuring Columns

This metric requires the following columns in your dataset:

  • question (str): The text query that was input into the model.
  • contexts (List[str]): A list of text contexts which are retrieved and which will be evaluated to make sure they contain relevant info in the correct order.
  • answer (str): The llm-generated response for the input question.

If the above data is not in the appropriate column, you can specify different column names for these fields using the parameters question_column, contexts_column and ground_truth_column.

For example, if your dataset has this data stored in different columns, you can pass the following parameters:

question_column": "question",
contexts_column": "context_info
ground_truth_column": "my_ground_truth_col",

If the data is stored as a dictionary in another column, specify the column and key like this:

pred_col = dataset.prediction_column(model)
params = {
contexts_column": f"{pred_col}.contexts",
ground_truth_column": "my_ground_truth_col",

For more complex situations, you can use a function to extract the data:

pred_col = dataset.prediction_column(model)
params = {
contexts_column": lambda x: [x[pred_col]["context_message"]],
ground_truth_column": "my_ground_truth_col",

Signs of High Risk

  • Very low mean or median context utilization scores, indicating poor usage of retrieved contexts.
  • High standard deviation, suggesting inconsistent model performance.
  • Low or minimal max scores, pointing to the model’s failure to rank relevant contexts at top positions.


  • Quantifies the rank of relevant context chunks in generating responses.
  • Provides clear visualizations through histograms and box plots for ease of interpretation.
  • Adapts to different dataset schema by allowing configurable column names.


  • Assumes the relevance of context chunks is binary and may not capture nuances of partial relevance.
  • Requires proper context retrieval to be effective; irrelevant context chunks can skew the results.
  • Dependent on large sample sizes to provide stable and reliable estimates of utilization performance.