
Assesses the diversity of languages in a textual dataset by detecting and visualizing the distribution of languages.


The Language Detection test aims to identify and visualize the distribution of languages present within a textual dataset. This test helps in understanding the diversity of languages in the data, which is crucial for developing and validating multilingual models.

Test Mechanism

This test operates by:

  • Checking if the dataset has a specified text column.
  • Using a language detection library to determine the language of each text entry in the dataset.
  • Generating a histogram plot of the language distribution, with language codes on the x-axis and their frequencies on the y-axis.

If the text column is not specified, a ValueError is raised to ensure proper dataset configuration.

Signs of High Risk

  • A high proportion of entries returning “Unknown” language codes.
  • Detection of unexpectedly diverse or incorrect language codes, indicating potential data quality issues.
  • Significant imbalance in language distribution, which might indicate potential biases in the dataset.


  • Provides a visual representation of language diversity within the dataset.
  • Helps identify data quality issues related to incorrect or unknown language detection.
  • Useful for ensuring that multilingual models have adequate and appropriate representation from various languages.


  • Dependency on the accuracy of the language detection library, which may not be perfect.
  • Languages with similar structures or limited text length may be incorrectly classified.
  • The test returns “Unknown” for entries where language detection fails, which might mask underlying issues with certain languages or text formats.