
Generates an interactive heatmap to visualize the Euclidean distances among embeddings derived from a given model.


This function visualizes the Euclidean distances between embeddings generated by a model, offering insights into the absolute differences between data points. Euclidean distance, a fundamental metric in data analysis, measures the straight-line distance between two points in Euclidean space. It is particularly useful for understanding spatial relationships and clustering tendencies in high-dimensional data.

Test Mechanism

The function operates through a streamlined process: firstly, embeddings are extracted for each dataset entry using the specified model. Subsequently, it computes the pairwise Euclidean distances among these embeddings. The results are then visualized in an interactive heatmap format, where each cell’s color intensity correlates with the distance magnitude between pairs of embeddings, providing a visual assessment of these distances.

Signs of High Risk

  • Uniformly low distances across the heatmap might suggest a lack of variability in the data or model overfitting, where the model fails to distinguish between distinct data points effectively.
  • Excessive variability in distances could indicate inconsistent data representation, potentially leading to unreliable model predictions.


  • Provides a direct, intuitive visual representation of distances between embeddings, aiding in the detection of patterns or anomalies.
  • Allows customization of visual aspects such as the heatmap’s title, axis labels, and color scale, adapting to various analytical needs.


  • The interpretation of distances can be sensitive to the scale of data; normalization might be necessary for meaningful analysis.
  • Large datasets may lead to dense, cluttered heatmaps, making it difficult to discern individual distances, potentially requiring techniques like data sampling or dimensionality reduction for clearer visualization.