
Analyzes the sentiment of text data within a dataset using the VADER sentiment analysis tool.


The Sentiment test evaluates the overall sentiment of text data within a dataset. By analyzing sentiment scores, it aims to ensure that the model is interpreting text data accurately and is not biased towards a particular sentiment.

Test Mechanism

This test uses the VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) SentimentIntensityAnalyzer. It processes each text entry in a specified column of the dataset to calculate the compound sentiment score, which represents the overall sentiment polarity. The distribution of these sentiment scores is then visualized using a KDE (Kernel Density Estimation) plot, highlighting any skewness or concentration in sentiment.

Signs of High Risk

  • Extreme polarity in sentiment scores, indicating potential bias.
  • Unusual concentration of sentiment scores in a specific range.
  • Significant deviation from expected sentiment distribution for the given text data.


  • Provides a clear visual representation of sentiment distribution.
  • Uses a well-established sentiment analysis tool (VADER).
  • Can handle a wide range of text data, making it flexible for various applications.


  • May not capture nuanced or context-specific sentiments.
  • Relies heavily on the accuracy of the VADER sentiment analysis tool.
  • Visualization alone may not provide comprehensive insights into underlying causes of sentiment distribution.