
Generates scatter plots for pairwise combinations of principal component analysis (PCA) components of model embeddings.


This function visualizes the principal components of embeddings derived from a specified model. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical technique that emphasizes variation and uncovers strong patterns in a dataset. It transforms the original variables into new, uncorrelated variables (principal components) that maximize variance.

Test Mechanism

The function follows a sequential process to visualize PCA components effectively. It starts by extracting embeddings from the dataset, utilizing the model specified by the user. These embeddings are then standardized to ensure zero mean and unit variance, which is crucial to prevent any single feature from dominating due to scale—this standardization is a critical preprocessing step for PCA. Following this, the function calculates the specified number of principal components. The core of the visualization process involves creating scatter plots for each pairwise combination of these principal components.

Signs of High Risk

  • If the principal components do not account for a significant portion of the variance, it may suggest that PCA is not capturing the essential structures of the data.
  • Similarity in scatter plots across different pairs of components could indicate redundancy in the components, suggesting that fewer dimensions might be sufficient to represent the data.


  • Enables a simplified visualization of multivariate data, helping to identify patterns across many variables effectively.
  • Provides a clear depiction of the directions of maximum variance in the data, which is valuable for feature selection and dimensionality reduction.


  • PCA’s effectiveness hinges on the scaling of the variables; improper standardization can lead to misleading interpretations.
  • The interpretation of principal components can be challenging, especially if they capture less significant variances or are difficult to relate back to the original features.